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amazing!! I love your art!

Im instantly a fan 

Wow, this is such a lovely little game! I saw your post on tumblr and thought I'd give it a try - it was a lot of fun and ran perfectly for me even on my Phone lol. I love the graphics and the thunder and all of the sound effects were such a lovely touch! 

Really enjoyed this, thank you for creating this gem! 

The experiments are difficult and if you fail, you have to start from the beginning, so I could experience the agony of a mad scientist!
The graphics are really nice and nice.
Personally, I like the red/green individuals as they remind me of Carroll Williams' experiments on the metamorphosis of butterflies!

Very fun game with great artwork! I have, however, encountered a bug: it's possible to only take 1 vial of DNA if you click a vial and then click somewhere else that's not another vial. It makes it so that the embryo doesn't do anything at the end.

Oh, shoot! Really?

This seems like something that could be turned into an easter egg...


Red+Yellow DNA = 


Nice concept! This game really deserves some updates to make some steps more clear (like where to cut the membrane and where to click on the embryo, either visual clues OR educational clues giving name to the place you should click) and the playing more intuitive and dynamic. I wanna see this game evolve.


Played three times, once with each combo!  I loved the evil scientist thunder and lightning that accompanied relatively mundane tasks (or what would be in another setting).  That made me laugh!


I loved it! I got a little stuck trying to not cut the membrane  around the embryo, maybe some kind of different coloring where we're supposed to cut exactly? I killed the embryo on accident the first time lol but my god I loved it. If you feel like it in the future, I'd love some "So concerned about whether or not they could that they never stopped to think about whether or not they SHOULD." monsters, maybe you make something that can't be contained, maybe you piss off an old god by playing god.... I love a bad ending. You're incredible in any case, thank you for all of this, I'm gonna go play again.

I messed up the embryo multiple times in a row, and I almost thought the game was supposed to make you mess up just to be infuriating on purpose or something XD I agree it could be more clear visually where we're supposed to click!

Can I suggest adding a local HTML5 version as part of the $10 supporter download?

Done. Hope an EXE works!

Fun game, but when I was retrieving an egg on my first play through the game went white and stopped working

Oh, shoot! I thought I fixed that! I can't replicate it on my end, but I'll add it to the list of known issues


its a really fun and cute game! if you plan on updating it, may i suggest adding a replay button at the end or something? i want to play again to see what all the dna combos make, if they make different creatures, and it'd just be a nice lil conveniance. (im still gonna replay it anyways, tho.)

That's a great idea!